This is SaaS (Software as a Service) web application concept which allows people to collect information and store it in a single place. Blocbox can create simple documents, store images, link to websites, and allow users to collaborate with others.


user research


I interviewed tech-savvy people and asked to them talk about how they use the Internet on a daily basis. Most of them feel the need to organize the information they collect but have not discovered thebest tools to accomplish this.


Male, Age: 50’s

He is a professor who often writes essays and browses online, often using his smartphone for reading daily news. Recently he has been receiving many pictures of his grandchildren and does not know how to best organize and save them to his devices.


Female, Age: Teen

She is a student and always searching, browsing, and using online information. She wants to keep contents she finds toshare with her friends.


Male, Age: 20’s

He uses the Internet constantly for research, work, to share contents, and to create information for digital and print media. He has to manually save contents to his hard drive. If he sees anyfunny or interesting things he wants to share, he will do that using Twitter/Facebook, but he feels those apps are hard to edit and customize according tohis needs.


Female, Age: 30’s

Michelle is a professional online marketmanager. She surfs the Internet using her smartphone and from her work desktopPC; occasionally from her laptop.


desktop interface

This Blocbox style is aiming for a modern, clear, fun-yet-trustworthy look to appeal to tech savvy users who handle digital contents on a daily basis.


web high fidelity


open prototype


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